This activity could be implemented with Dialog Cards, which on one side will show the “Did you know that…” phrase and on the other side they will show the fun fact. There are going to be 20 Dialog Cards in total.

Did you know that…

  1. Cooking recipes that are just ingredient lists aren’t subject to copyright.
  2. The fear of cooking is called “mageirocophobia.”
  3. The iconic chef’s hat is called a toque.
  4. Chopsticks were invented for cooking, not eating.
  5. Fresh lemon juice removes onion scent from hands.
  6. When cooking with alcohol, not all of the liquor “burns off”.
  7. You can’t overcook mushrooms.
  8. Microwaving is the healthiest way to cook vegetables.
  9. Broccoli contains more protein than steak.
  10. Apples give you more energy than coffee.
  11. Peppers have more vitamin C than oranges.
  12. A certain variety of cassava turns into cyanide if not prepared correctly.
  13. Salted butter can be left out of the fridge longer than unsalted butter.
  14. Black pepper was so valuable, it used to be a currency in the Middle Ages.
  15. A typical ear of corn has an even number of rows.
  16. White chocolate doesn’t actually contain any real chocolate components.
  17. Carrots were originally purple or white with a thin root.
  18. If you split a grape in half and put it in the microwave it will explode.
  19. Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren’t.
  20. Fruit stickers are edible.