Mahmoud Khorosh
"Your birthplace is a pure coincidence. You can't determine that and you can't be proud of it. I feel sorry for people who don't understand that. And that's why I don't feel like a foreigner anywhere."
Ismet Nokta
"I engage in politics."
Serhii Tarnovski
"The toughest part was my different vision of the society."
John Smith [name redacted]
"I feel very happy being here and I would choose Greece over my homeland many times, since I feel safe here."
Orient Experience is more than just a restaurant, it is a place where people could taste original dishes, by experimenting social inclusion.
Nadiia Moroz-Olshanska
"I try to make this world a better place, through my activity."
Mia Rupcic
"I always felt accepted and integrated among people I met."
Kyle Reyes
"I feel that Greece is my first home right now"
Emmanuel Sing
"Staying here was my conscious choice."